Motivation by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

Workshop: “Motifs and Motivations in German and other languages”

Read the Call for papers here.

The event:

Format: Hybrid (zoom and offline)

Venue: Hotel Santika, Depok

Date: September 9-10, 2023

Invited keynote speakerss (via Zoom):

Conference Schedule:

Friday 08.09.:
Saturday 09.09.Sunday 10.09.
Time slotsEventsTime slotsEvents
0830-0845Opening0830-0905Talk 8: Ahmad Muzaki: Motifs and motivation in Javanese idioms (tembung entar) and its contribution to Indonesian idioms (ungkapan)
0845-0945Keynote 1: Balasz Huszka: Body Parts as Idioms in Bahasa Indonesia: Arbitrary Constructs or Cognitive Concepts?0905-0940Talk 9: Herlina Jasa Putri Harahap, Linda Aruan, Muhammad Reza: Metaphernvergleich in deutschen und indonesischen Sprichwörtern
0945-1020Talk 1: Dani Hendra, Putrasulung Baginda: Benennungsmotive der Spezialitäten in Bandung 0940-1015 Talk 10: Setiawati Darmojuwono: Semiotik sebagai dasar analisis idiom
1020-1040coffee break 1015-1045 coffee break
1040-1115Talk 2: Atin Fitriana, Fifi Ratna Ekasari: Makanan dan Budaya: Analisis Penamaan Makanan di Kecamatan Borobudur, Kabupaten Magelang 1045-1120Talk 11: Bernadette Kushartanti: Motivasi dalam inovasi leksikal oleh anak-anak berbahasa Indonesia
1115-1150Talk 3: Dwi Putri Ningsih: The Etymology and History of Culinary Names from Betawi 1120-1155Talk 12: Julia Wulandari, Riska Risdiani: Tawa dalam Kata
1155-1300lunch break 1155-1300 lunch break
1300-1335 Talk 4: Hermina Sutami: Motives in Han Characters 1300-1335Talk 13: Arie Andhiko Ajie: Motif dan Motivasi Julukan Sepeda Motor di Indonesia
1335-1410Talk 5:Nazarudin The Toponyms of Place Naming on Kampung Elo, Padaeweta Village, East Wejewa, Southeast Sumba: An etymology and oral tradition study 1335-1410Talk 14: Jan Wohlgemuth: An Introduction to Denomination Principles
1410-1445Talk 6:Irish Hening: Untangling Origins: The Intriguing Motivations Behind German Family Names 1410-1510 Round table discussion
1445-1515coffee break 1510-1530 coffee break
1515-1550Talk 7: Tessa Yuditha: Food-Related Expressions in Indonesian: Why Losing Appetite? 1530-1600 closing
1550-1650Keynote 2: David Gil: Metaphor Directionality and Sociopolitical Complexity
1710-1810 Keynote 3: Ad Foolen: Bodily-based conceptualization in a cross-linguistic perspective, with special attention to German and Dutch
1900- conference dinner


Supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)